
Monday, February 7, 2011

Why I'm On Here.....Good Question

As this is my first blog post ever in my entire life, I'll start off giving some back history. I became a Christian at around sixteen. Both my parents are Christians so I was always in the culture, but I never really made my parents faith my own. Sure I was "saved" when I was four, but let's face it, that was mostly for cute points then anything else. So I just kinda coasted along until I was fifteen. That's when I was just beginning to actually develop my own fashion style (as opposed to wearing whatever my family bought me for Christmas) and apparently that style was fading too far towards what some Christians call "looking like the world". Around that time I also started noticing how some Christians treated friends of mine who were even farther along the dress continuum then I was. Everything from casual, pointed comments to blatant criticism. I started to get mad at these Christians who seemed to care more about the outside appearance then they did about what was in someone's heart. I managed to hold it inside...mostly. But woe to the person who made just one snide comment about "looking like the world" lest they wished to endure a long tirade on the subject. I began to seriously think about my relationship with Jesus and how I was really beginning to dislike these people who said they followed him. There wasn't really any doubt in my mind that Jesus was real. He just wasn't part of my life. And I wasn't sure that I wanted him to be. Finally I told him, "Reveal yourself to me or I'm out. I'll find something else to believe in." one thing I've noticed is that this approach usually works. Jesus tends to show himself to those who are wrestling with him. This time was no exception. One night, as I was reading through the New Testament, I heard his voice speaking to me. I can't really describe it except to say that it sounds like love given a voice.
So...all that to say this; I am now completely and madly in love with the person of Jesus Christ. This blog will be a place where I untangle my thoughts and ideas. Mostly though, this will be a place where I hope to share what a wild, amazing, beautiful thing it is to be in love with the creator of the universe.

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